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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Sa Change Management Application Paper

Sa Change Management Application Paper

Q Prepare and submit through Turnitin an 8 – 10 page paper that applies a change model such as Kotter’s 8-Step Process or the Change Path Model to an actual organizational change initiative. The paper should (1) briefly describe the organizational challenge identifying the type of change required, (2) discuss the need for organizational change, (3) propose a strategy and action plan to implement the change describing the steps you and others will take to make the desired state a reality, and (4) describe 4 – 5 specific results you expect from the successful implementation, identifying 3 success measures, and one specific first step. Support your analysis with five or more scholarly sources.

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The following paper will be based on a proposed organizational initiative as it is required to be taken for changing unproductive business situation of an organization. My current organization has been the organization chosen for implementing the proposed organizational initiative. There will be application of Kotter’s 8 Step Process while formulating the organizational initiative. This is because the effectiveness of the initiative will be analyzed thoroughly. There will be prediction of some results which can be expected from the implementation of the proposed organizational initiative.